idk i just want company with me, always.
someone who is not blood related? also maybe just anyone that has a connection with me. brains' alike.
idk i just want company with me, always.
someone who is not blood related? also maybe just anyone that has a connection with me. brains' alike.
to myself
to everyone around me
just to make sure no one worries
no one doubted
no one suspicious of the situation.
I would rather end here
rather than coming out of the truth.
Some situation wanna make me do it myself,
or I will ask from Him.
Aging for sure taught us many things,
now I can trust the phrase that said,
trust the older peoples' guts.
That was a random burst of tears
comes out of nowhere,
I felt guilty
I felt I was wronged
I felt I need to apologize
at the same time,
I don't know whether it is my fault//
#rip to me the next 10 years, fgs I wont remember why I published this.
signing out.
no reasons at all.
therefore, i gotta gulped it like nothing happened and accept my fate.
i've made my argument, which is obviously unhearable
wish everyone have a faithful raya. maaf zahir batin
bismillah assalamualaikum hi everyone (incase someone actually following updates here) welcome back to me and to you!!
wow im going to post something today? sksksd i thought my next post gonna be like another 6 months at least.
today was exceptional. well, i guess i got more emotion now because im entering my 20s? or nah its just me lol. ((was i trynna pin to something else for the reason im being emotional? yess))
i was sad today, for no reason at all. i just feel like i dont deserve to be on earth anymore. its just the day where the smallest but the shittest thing happened and i felt this way. i probably need to get closer to Allah. i wanted to talk to someone about this, but it makes me scared it people gonna know about it later. yeah, trust issues. even with my fam. being the youngest with no one above you that youre close to is kinda depressing no cap. if i ever did the depression test rn, i probably will get locked up at the psychiatric ward lmao. do i ever feel like jumping the building? yes. do i ever thing im not worth it? yes. well, this is probably common. but, do you guys also feel like k1illing someone just like me? :exit emote:
things that keep me sane; well, alhamdulillah i actually found something that could keep me at ease,, at least for certain amount of time. ((bruh im actually thinking im wasting my time rn here because tons of assgmt are waiting)) but nah, i kinda feel like coming back to blogging is kinda help me to live rn. instead of talking to someone that might judge you. am i thinking of creating another blogspot so no one knows its me? yes. so this might be my last posting here before i create another acc to keep me anonymous. another thing that keep me sane, gonna be cringe.. but listen its not just their appearance, songs and etc. its the message they carry every time there are new contents (songs, movies etc). yes, it is a kpop group. and the only one and forever will be the one for me; BTS gonna learn hangul next semester break, just like how i planned for my 1st semester break but nothing was accomplish. well, again back to the topic. how am i gonna relate this stuff with the topic? here it is. remember i told you that i was so sad today? and one of the thing that kept me sane is the Tannies? ((i was really being su1c1d4l just now no joke)) i won a freaking album giveaway. the way i wanted to buy their past albums so freaaaaaaaaaaking bad. i end up by winning one of it ;A; i was forreal happy that i win it and here i am typing to tell yall the story. first reason, their album are not cheap. second reason, i have no reasons to buy it anyway. i still can keep my fangirling toned down.. lmao im gonna see the ophthalmologists tmrw, dang it they will know i cried my eyes off today
at the end of the day, everyone's feeling of being sad is SO valid that you dont have to think the way im thinking rn. because look, how much (okay imma be real here) God actually loves me when im being the S word. its okay to be sad, its okay to not be okay. i hope everyone in the world will actually encounter things like i did just now. how the smallest things could turn you upside down and how thing move so fast that you dont have to feel sad anymore. get it?
Still Ramadhan Kareem everyone.
signing out.
The last draft I wrote was on 26 April 2019. Good thing I only wrote 'assalammualaikum'. Well, here we go again.
Bismillah, assalammualaikum everyone.
Certain things I need to get rid off today. Firstly, how is it being young and well educated when giving opinion to adults is rude? and secondly, what does make she deserved that? These things is on my mind for the rest of my life I've been living. It's personal so I won't elaborate more. I am here just for ME to stay sane.
I could never understands how 'they' think I am being rude when the stuff I am talking is something that is against them? Which is making them feel wronged but things twisted when they 'fire' back at me for being rude to the so called adults. Maybe, that is why I fated to be in Law School so at least my arguments in court wouldn't be turned to 'eh kau biadap eh dengan orang tua' as to win on their side. Ok dah rilek kejap. Saying stuff with emotion is not valid with the people I'm around with lol. The stuff she's been doing is not enough to get whatever she is at right now. She's obtaining stuff while taking advantages on people. Smart I would say. As the matter of fact, I deserved more. I achieved more. Some kind of I'm still a kid isn't the reason I want to listen these days. Because I am not a kid anymore. Even that freaking probably the proudest thing you had right now ALSO, isn't what you solely work by yourself. I know those facts. Don't deny. I really hope one day, I will achieve those with my SOLELY hard work. well, to shove it on your face and said that you didn't had these stuff last time on your own, you took advantages on people you probably loved the most. Being the '---' does not make everything you said is right, stuff you did is right and taking advantages on people is right. Just so you know, sometimes you're INVALID, I would say MOST of the time. I will go above you when I have everything, and I will have EVERYTHING. If Allah wills.
That's all for now. I hope I won't flip later.
Ramadhan Mubarak.
Hi blog.
It was a great pain today. Baru pukul 6. Kejap lagi nak jawab paper tak tahu la macam mana. InshaAllah I can ace today's papers aminn :)
So tadi bangun 430 macam biasa kalau masa exam week. Took my medication at 5 and start to feel the pain at 630am. Lain macam harini punya sakit. I never felt any pain like this before. Heartburn dia tak terkata. Hope it gets better as time goes on. *sakit balik* on scale 1-10(sakitgila) , its a 9.
Salam semoga hari ini beransur pulih,
Sofia Nasaruddin.
Hi blog.
Salam, hari ni hari yang paling penat di dunia.
Hari ni hari perlantikan bods library. Walaupun dah lebih setengah tahun aku jalankan tugas, harini baru nak ada ceremony.
Alhamdulillah, rasa dihargai.
Bagi aku, tugas menjadi seorang ketua pengawas pss takde la susah, cuma kat part naik turun tingkat 4 library tu aku takleh tahan. *serious faktor fizikal aku membuatkan aku termengah mengah bila sampai atas tu*
Harini jugak, pertempuan di dalam kelas berlaku. Mungkin dimulakan dengan aku. Sebab dorang tak pernah nak discus elok elok since semua tak nak amik port. Argh. Nasib tak tarik tarik rambut tadi *padahal aku tengah tunggu perkara itu berlaku* Masalah ni bila semua takde kata sepakat and most of the guys bila nak bincang je they'll change the topic arghh *kalau lari dari masalah sampai bila bila tak selesai weh* . Oleh sebab itu lah, aku bangkitkan depan guru kelas kitaorg. And she cried instantly after heard that we re fighting coz of smallz thing. Awwww, cikgu janganlah nangis :((
Alhamdulillah, benda settle, bincang elok elok cam ni dari mula kan bagus :)
Last thing yang membuatkan aku penat nak mati, ialah ubat aku *antibiotics*. Semalam aku ke hospital, dan doctor kata kena naikkan dos aku. Which is from 100mg to 300mg and its from upper class daripada antibiotic aku yang dulu *which means stronger la* . Berjam jugak, coz we have to wait for doctor lain sign my prescription baru aku boleh amik ubat tu. Sampai ke dispensi ubat, pegawai farmasi tu buat hal konon ubat aku tu takde kat situ, and they ask use to buy on own outside which is so expensive *im a goverment independent so semua ubat free* . Dr aku dah memang standby number dia, and said kalau dorang buat hal just call him. Sooooo, i called him immediately and said to him that the pharmacist kata my ubat is not there. And he said its not possible takde kat situ, so he asked me to give the phone to the pharmacist there. Ha aku pun bagi la kat india ni, lepastu dia macam bengang pulak dgn aku arghh lepastu buat2 tak faham *aku dah nak lempang muka dia dah* . So , the other pegawai pharmacist kat situ amik telefon gue, and cakap with my doctor.
I was laughing at the pegawai and said "Tadi taknak bagi rupanya ada je?" sambil angkat my bahu and tangan plus jeling . So you guys wanna know how strong is my ubat , until it can turn my urine to fucking orange like you know freaking ORANGEREDISH . Walaupun cam ew, i wanna keep it here. The first time i peed after i took the meds, i was screaming looking at my urine since my doc already aware me to check my urine lmaooo. The next side effect is heartburn. Woi bukan macam panas hati ni, tahu tak your heart tu rasa macam kena tekan and like pedih sumpah tak boleh bernafas and sakit . The other side effects *i read on google side effect of my meds banyak gila* , alhamdulillah aku tak merasainya dan aku taknak langsung rasa dah.
Ohh, i havent tell you the part where my doctor said if this freaking 300mg wont work, i gotta take this freaking daily dose injection that will cost me almost RM48K....... My mom and i was speechless at tht time, eventho gvrmnt inde but still the price is so...... Ya Allah tuhan ku , peliharalah aku, daripada sampai ke stage itu *sekarang aku stage 2*
Apa yang menakutkan aku ialah, ada yang suffer this diseases sampai 6/8 tahun....... i dont want that....... Kalau dua antibiotic yang 300mg aku tengah ambil ni masih tak cukup, aku tak tahu dah nak buat apa.
Since the dr said i can call him anytime if ada side effect yang teruk, i almost call him sebab bapak sakit heartburn.
The least you guys can do now is pray for my health and give some kind words to build up my strength to go through this.
Mental sumpah kena kuat.
Kalau tak aku dah lama give, tak terkira dah berapa kali aku ulang alik hospital tu.
Aku akan anggap ini ujian dari Tuhan untuk menjadikan aku seorang yang lebih kuat.
Kalau Tuhan tahu aku tak kuat, Dia takkan beri ujian kepada aku.
Tolong doakan aku ya
Sekian salam mintak simpati 1 Malaysia ,
Sofia Nasaruddin
Salam semua!
Fuh, berhabuk.
It feels really good to be back. Im back here pun sebab i deleted my instagram HAHAHA
Tiada apa untuk entry kali ni, tapi yang aku nak bagitahu ialah im really happy today. Jangan berbalik soal pasal crush, sebab siapa je takde crush kan? HAHAHA *tapi ni serious bukan pasal crush*
Come on, aku takde masa dah nak berfoya foya ni.
Thanks to them. Really thank you guys. Walaupun makanan tadi tak sedap pun, tapi sembang punya pasal tak sedar pun makanan habis licin. Tak sangka ada je orang yang boleh beri pandangan yang munasabah *lol what*
Bukan masalah pun, dia macam sesi mendengar hahaha . Im really gladful to have friends like them. Nanti kita membawang lagi tau, thanks for listening, peeps.
tapi lepasni belanja aku pulak k?
Anyways, in a few days aku akan meletakkan jawatan aku sebagai librarians. What a great 5 years. Aku mengakhiri tugas aku dengan jawatan sebagai Ketua Pengawas. Terima kasih percaya kat aku, semua. Mixed feelings nyaaa, gonna miss you perpustakaan :')
Told you, there's nothing much happened today, but aku betul betul tak sangka aku akan rasa stress-free , harus gue bilang wow gitu heheh
To my haters, keep judging me because at the same time you are helping me to become a stronger person.
Great day indeed,
Sofia Nasaruddin