Tuesday, September 13, 2011

problems, problems go away!

i don't believe in running away from one problem would solve the said problem. especially not when you're running away and creating another problem with the same degree of difficulty at the same time. for example, going through marriage just so you can escape your dysfunctional family problems without thinking about the consequences and the uncertain future thoroughly.

doing so would never end this running cycle. there would always be conflicts everywhere, whether it's with your housemates, your friends, your family, your neighbours, your community or yourself. the only thing you can do is to be strong. just lift your chin up and face it bravely with much dignity and wisdom. when it's too much to bear, cry it out loud to your Lord. He's always willing to hear you speak. :)
so near, never far. only ALLAH. :)


                                                                     because sharing is caring,

and caring is loving.

so if i don't share, does this mean that i no longer care?
does this mean that i no longer love?

maybe not.

that's for me to decide
and for you to find out.

that is, if you're willing to make that first step.

p/s: things are never as they seem to make out to be. look between the lines.

The Past

i miss the time when i could look a single photo and write thousands of words. 
now i can't even form a coherent sentence without pressing backspace.
i miss reading and reading and reading non stop till my eyes cross.
now i can't even last an hour without putting it back down again.

what is it with stress that presses our ability to grow?